Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. PPF comparison - Xpel vs Llumar/Suntek? I wish you all the best in your future journeys as you explore the possibilities of lesson planning, and the delivery of those plans in the classroom. I usually do a warm up conversation question. Presentation, practice, and production (PPP) is a framework for organizing your lessons. What I think is A problem can't be fixed if no one knows it exists. s a molestie consequat, ultrices ac magna. The lesson plans listed here are suggestions and models to serve in reaching other teachers to help their understanding and to stimulate & encourage them to produce their own versions, customized to reflect their particular experiences, perspectives and situations. This process is repeated for all six situations. NOTE: There is a website that allows you to type out those symbols (and its good for languages other than English): https://ipa.typeit.org/, This is another good site because it gives you many examples. Im so sorry sir / madam, Ill send someone up to look at it immediately., Im sorry to hear that, Ill get someone to check it for you.. The PPP approach seems rather simple at first glance, but to implement it effectively I need to be prepared to clarify any question in the first stage of presentation. Compare L1 and L2 differences in complaints in order to notice C1/C2 influence on L1 and L2. Pellentesque dapibus efficitur laoreet. Access to over 100 million course-specific study resources, 24/7 help from Expert Tutors on 140+ subjects, Full access to over 1 million Textbook Solutions. The students and teacher together shape the form it takes on during its execution. Conclude by sharing information fromTeacher Resource Sheet: Making a complaint. Students then practice the dialogue with their partner and present it to the class. Ive now uploaded the handouts directly to the site instead of using my skydrive, hope that has sorted the problem. In this two-part complaining and apologizing role-play, students practice making and dealing with complaints about misleading advertisements. Then go through and clear up any vocabulary problems and emphasise the cultural note. Simply sketch out how you would interpret each section. This is the part of the lesson where the students do a more controlled practice exercise like a worksheet or listening or reading activity. Donec aliquet. You might like to see what kind of lesson plan you can come up with. The three stages of a PPP lesson Here are a few important things to remember. Arts & Humanities English ED 1234 Answer & Explanation Solved by verified expert All tutors are evaluated by Course Hero as an expert in their subject area. Similarly, with a bottom-up approach, how the meaning of the target language will be elicited from the learners is part of the planning process. What I want to point out is . To elicit the meaning of new vocabulary or grammar, you might choose to describe a situation, use eliciting questions, gestures, as well visual aids (such as flashcards, gifs or props) to establish the meaning. To help you in planning your next lesson using PPP, download the example lesson plan here. When somebody other than the teacher is reading the lesson plan, it is not always clear how and why things are to be done in a certain way. I've chosen making requests, and with a friends help/input I've come up a lead-in and part of the presentation, but am still sitting here stuck on the rest as we speak.And I know I'll have to redo it like I've had to for most of them.sorry I can't help, but sending commiseration. The Simple TESOL Lesson Plan: P-P-P Format. Encourage students to use as much language from the previous handout as possible. Ensure that students understand them both. First, students brainstorm six situations in which people make complaints. Materials A picture of the teacher. A problem cant be fixed if no one knows it exists. Students then answer questions based on the topic and discuss their answers in pairs. Give me ideas to create a PPP lesson plan on making a complaint. Students score one point for each correctly used expression. Youre in a shop and the assistant gives you the wrong change. Don. (T-S) -Discuss a statement or use brainstorming activity. Students then role-play shop complaints about the products, without saying where they are or what product they are complaining about. It depends a little too on how well you improvise, how well you remember and how nervous you get when in front of people. In this making complaints speaking activity, students role-play making complaints, apologies and requests in different situations. https://koreatesol.org/sites/default/files/EClinic-%20Phonetic%20Symbols.pdf. If no, why do you think this was the case? https://www.phon.ucl.ac.uk/home/wells/phoneticsymbolsforenglish.htm, This site is basically the same as the previous one but has the American accent in mind: This lesson structure is aligned with a scaffolded approach to teaching as the PPP template encourages increased autonomy for the ELL student. Lorem ipsum dolor, pulvinar tortor nec facilisis. Scripting eliciting questions and checking questions in the lesson plan is helpful in ensuring that teacher talk is graded for the level of the learners and is effective in eliciting the meaning. This might stimulate more ideas on what you might be able to do in your classes. Invite a selection of students to present their 160-character text message to Lucy. To put all this in a nutshell, its good to see how applying the model can help bring you to where you want to go, and you should feel free to modify it so it better suits the situation as you see it. Student B: You are a hotel receptionist, student A is coming to complain about his / her bill. Students will describe a picture using names of colours in English. Here are some links to lesson plans already presented in this article. There is some skills work done in the Input stage where reading or listening does play a part, and speaking is encouraged throughout the lesson. In spite of the criticism PPP receives for its linear approach to learning, there is still value in using this type of lesson staging to introduce challenging and or new language points to your learners. Press J to jump to the feed. Working alone, students complete complaints with the words provided. Questions and discussion about everything related to Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) around the world. Similarly, if the language and context of the lesson lends to developing learners writing skills, they may write a recipe, a film review, a synopsis of a book, a description of an item for sale onlinethe list is endless. Writing in standard font and colour, you just need to take a print of our sample and put in your class. NOTE: In this challenge there is a range of levels. Or if you just want to approach the song as a quick activity and not go through the whole process of following a complete model, it is still recommended to have a clear objective on how the song would work to help your students in some way. Or it could be a power point presentation with detailed notes in the margins describing step be step what you want to say and do. These and other decisions should override blindly following the PPP (or any other) model. Pellentesque dapibus efficitur laoreet. Reflect a little on why they were handled differently. If the answer for a controlled Practice task is unclear or contains multiple correct answers, then learners will struggle to recognise patterns in how the target language is used. In this making complaints role-play, students make and deal with complaints in various situations and score how satisfied they are with each outcome. Feel free to approach your goals in a variety of ways and decide on those that you feel have the benefits you are looking for. Afterwards, students match sentence halves together that use diplomatic language for dealing with complaints and match each sentence with its function. It will not waste your time. By introducing the complaint with an apology, the speaker allows the listener to not feel threatened and opens up a conversation about company policy instead of scolding or demanding that person do their job better. In this fast-paced making complaints game, students role-play complaints using expressions on cards in order to score points. If you're having trouble, the best person to talk to is probably your course administrator. For my TEFL course, I'm currently drafting a PPP Lesson Plan for a large class of 60 pre-intermediate teens on functional English - specifically agreeing & disagreeing. Take advantage of your short free time during the day to do A LOT of repetition, and you will be amazed at how fast your English speaking improves . I want to point out that Remember that the following provided version is not the perfect standard to gauge yours by. Solution: Elicit these items in the context of addictions. It just takes some time to get familiar with what is involved, and some experimenting. The downloadable and photocopiable lesson plan pdf includes teacher's notes and copy of answers for students. In the case of skills-based lessons an ESA (Engage-Study-Activate) staged lesson works well. This can be especially useful in the EFL classroom. The trick here is to strike a balance in providing enough scaffolding for learners to experiment, but not so much that it becomes another controlled exercise. Use a before/during/after lesson plan. When they have done this, and while continuing the role-play, they take another card and repeat the process. Have you ever written a letter or e-mail of complaint? Its important to monitor your students to see how they are coping with the information, to give them support and clear direction, as well as ample opportunities to practice and explore before attempting the Production activity. When you are done, or have done as much as you care to, then compare your version with the one provided. Lesson Planning Activity Objective: Create a lesson plan and then assess another group's lesson plan. After that, students learn how to make a request following a complaint and how to use phrasal verbs to request action. It might be about a poor service or a faulty product, or you might have complained already and had no response. Controlled Practice tasks can include matching activities, fill in the gaps, organising words into the correct order, or a memory card game to name just a few. 1) If youre having an official observation or have to fill out your lesson plan using a certain form, make another version for yourself that you can easily follow while you are actually teaching. It is still not the only way to do things, but it is one possibility. Imagine you have to teach the difference between Past Simple and Present Perfect but you dont like how its presented in the student book. Now let's remind ourselves of the language tips and tricks that can help us to make better complaints: 1) Tell a story Don't go straight into your. We offer variety in daily planning, weekly planning, and subject wise planning to monthly planning templates. Hi Carmykins, I'm doing that exact same assignment now, and like you said, they don't give any examples which is frustrating. We developed this lesson to teach students some functional language used when complaining and responding to complaints. When the role-play has finished, the student making the complaint decides how satisfied they are about the outcome and circles the appropriate number on their card. Problem: Students will be unfamiliar with the pronunciation of "used to" - /just/. If a strong part of the class was focussed on learning and using new vocabulary that comes from the song, the PPP model becomes a more viable option. Lets imagine that our advanced students have difficulty understanding people when they speak quickly or not very carefully. This helps to recycle the language, also people love telling stories about complaining! As we start the PPP part of the lesson plan, remember these principles: Presentation (or ESA format): Note the target language to be taught and how you will teach it. Your group will be given a worksheet packet and lesson material. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Depending on your class you may decide to take-up and correct these letters once completed. With the image and feel of the class you imagined, your lesson plan could be much more appropriate than the one offered here. Have you ever complained in a restaurant, hotel, airplane or train? Imagine your students at an intermediate or upper intermediate level and you want to get them speaking in a richer manner, such as justifying their statements, giving examples, responding more to what other people are saying. Nam lacinia pulvinar tortor nec facilisis. You can listen for free at our SoundCloud page below. This lesson plan is a longer than the others because it is dealing with an area that many teachers feel reluctant to touch. These are three frequent ways sounds are changed when English is spoken in a relaxed manner as opposed to a very careful, even formal style. Much depends on your objectives. S-S 5 mins. Their partner then checks their worksheet to find a suitable apology and says it with an appropriate phrase, e.g. Just like grammar and vocabulary, there are some rules to guide the language learners, you cant teach them all at once, or expect the student to master them in just one class. 8. This includes saying what kind of input and describing it a little. Each student then takes one card from the top of the pile that corresponds to their role. In this lesson, students will learn when, and how, to make a complaint to a business both in person and in writing. The third and final Produce stage is designed to develop learners fluency. Here is a making complaints role-play activity to help students practice complaining with. Finally, in pairs, students write mini-dialogues where they make complaints, requests and apologies using picture prompts. Simply sketch out how you would interpret each section. 4. See what you like from both plans and if this stimulates any good ideas or helps you become more familiar with lesson planning in this style. Therefore, if you want your students to engage in a debate, that is fine, and if you approach it using the PPP model, you have to include some language focus. Also, official observations aside, you want to have a plan that is very user friendly TO YOU, so feel free to make any changes to the format that help you feel more comfortable designing the plan and later executing it in the classroom. If that is the case, work on a different aspect of pronunciation (ex: word stress, sentence stress, consonant clusters, difficult sounds for your students). Compare yours with the one provided and look for benefits in both plans. Students then write down the language the speaker uses in the complaint to make polite requests. The first role-play is based on buying a mobile phone. A- some sounds change ex: Did you Dijou (the d and the y change to j) Finally, pairs role-play the complaints to the class. 4. Students then read about three steps for dealing with complaints. entesque dapibus efficitur laoreet. Some money has gone missing from my room., Im afraid theres a slight problem with my room the bed hasnt been made.. 4- Check out the provided lesson plan and compare how it is similar and different from yours. Encourage Encourage them to add adjectives to describe the tool better, for example by adding trade names (a Write your lesson plan following the basic procedure described above in The Challenge, steps 1 5. B2 / Upper Intermediate 45 min Standard Lesson Premium Plan Rated Helpful Answered by EarlRabbitPerson597 1. Sample lesson guide. Download this lesson plan. Making Excuses Making excuses Here's a quick game to practise making requests and making excuses, as well as 'housework' vocabulary. Please see any examples given by staff before posting. The PPP Teaching Framework is a model to describe the typical stages of language teaching lesson. I hope this has been helpful. And if there are official forms, then you can do them in the expected way to give to the proper people. For example: giving directions; speaking on the phone; apologizing. This information will be repeated and placed in A Few Thoughts so it will be easy for you to copy and paste the links. These are ways to start the sentence you want to communicate that places some emphasis on it. Pairs take it in turns to choose an item at random from their worksheet and role-play a complaint to another pair with one student being the customer and the other the shop assistant. Click here to visit our Sound Cloud page and check out our podcast designed for B2+ English students and teachers alike. Because engaging in a debate can be viewed as a function or a situation which often uses particular kinds of language, our target language could be one or more groups of expressions that would be useful in carrying out that speaking activity. Fusce dui lectus, congue vel laoreet ac, dictum vitae odio. ce dui lectus, congue vel laoreet ac, dictum vitae odio. If the students have had some reasonable experience with the Present Perfect before, or you feel they are all capable of handling two verb tenses (the Present Perfect and the Past Simple), then the provided lesson plan is one way you could approach it. Nam risus ante, dapibus a molestie consequat, ultrices ac magna. Problem: Students will not be familiar with "to give up", to quit", "to cut down on" in the listening text. Aims of the lesson To enable students to understand and use lexis to describe illness: Ive got a headache a cough a . Lead-in. Subjects: Math, Place Value Grades: 4th - 5th Types: Interactive Whiteboard, Lesson, PowerPoint Presentations Add to cart Wish List Place Value Review PPP Lesson Plan by Employ complaint patterns used by native speakers total time: 1.5-2 hours That means that the methodology and the examples are not set in stone and depending on your criteria, you could come up with a very different version that might be more effective for your situation, or the situation you imagined. The course doesn't actually give any examples on how to apply the PPP to a large class so I'm at a bit of a loss on how to engage 60 students, grab their attention and find out what they already know about the TL. A PPP staged lesson works well in working with beginner level learners as it equips them with the foundations they need in order to be able to communicate. Tell them to tell their classmates the story: Tell students to listen carefully to their classmates story because after they are going to tell the rest of the class the same story. 11. The handout with phrases for complaining: Complaining discussion questions handout: Put to complain and to make a complaint on the board. 1. Instructions: 1. Many teachers will encounter this acronym within the first few days of a training course when they start to explore how to plan a lesson. If there are more than four people in any group the remaining people could take on tasks such as: director, script writer, time-keeper etc. Just like giving directions or speaking on the phone, you could come up with some expressions that would be useful for the students to learn. . The pair with the most points at the end of the game wins. For your next lesson, consider whether learners need to be Presented with the target language, or whether a less linear staged lesson would be better suited. Lesson Plan 1 is from The PPP Model Explained, Section C which reviews the terminology and concepts previously presented. What is PPP Lesson Plan? Nam risus ante, dapibus a molestie consequat, ultrices ac magna. One thing is to go over the plan several times in your mind so you feel better prepared. Presentation When you encounter differences between the two versions (yours and the one here), look at them as different options and consider the benefits of each one. The person dealing with the complaint circles the 1 to 5 scale on their card, depending on how helpful they want to be, one being not at all helpful and five being very helpful. Accompanying that general outline could be some kind of prompt or a more detailed description just for that section. Put students in small groups (3-4) Tell them to think of a time when they made a complaint. They are simply examples and part of a greater explanation cited in the line below Download. Barcelona based English Teacher, blogger and sometime actor and director. https://www.teach-this.com/esl-essentials, TeachThis Limited, 2301 Bayfield Building, 99 Hennessy Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong. In the PPP lesson plan is designed to generate interest, recall past work, or to lower the affective filter. Running head: EDUCATION THEORIES Past Continuous Interrupted PPP Lesson Plan Name of the course Date of submission 1 PAST CONTINUOUS INTERRUPTED PPP LESSON PLAN 2 Lead-in: The teacher will have the students partitioned into groups or pairs. In pairs, students take it in turns to role-play each situation with one person making the complaint and the other dealing with the complaint and deciding how to react. Here is a business English complaints lesson to help students learn how to deal with complaints at their company. In this lesson, learners review, consolidate and practise expressions for agreeing and disagreeing. If you want to do part of your class working with a song and later perhaps using it to stimulate a speaking activity or two, the PPP model wouldnt normally be your first option. Try using the PPP model to write a lesson plan for this class. (For example, LISTENING FOR GIST: Students decide which of four topics the people at the meeting are discussing.) I could use your assistance if so, would you be willing to help me? Why did you complain? Alternatively, a bottom-up approach can be adopted by using questions and visuals to elicit the target language from learners before looking at how it is used in a text or audio. The other student then makes a request and their partner gives a suitable reply. 2. Hi, I don't have an example plan, but this is a guideline I passed with - every tutor is different though so take this all with a grain of salt please. Have you ever got a better service after youve complained. One thing to consider is Normally the language focus is grammar or vocabulary and functional language can work very nicely into this model. Students imagine that items they brought are faulty and that they have to return them to the shops. For exampleIt was designed in Italy.subjectverb to be past participle. In this complaining and apologizing activity, students practice making complaints and giving apologies using prompts. It might be about a poor service or a faulty product, or you might have complained already and had no response. Once the structure is learned, we can more easily return to it when it can serve our purpose such as providing direction for how students can work on certain elements. If you want to see any of them, click on Download below the image: A FEW FINAL WORDS: Benefits. Explain the idea of complaining and the value of doing it in a polite manner. icitur laoreet. You are not required to submit the actual materials, but do include a brief description of them. Slippers! The lesson plan will deal with all three of the above changes occurring during connected speech, but if you prefer to focus on just one or two of them, then do so. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. In pairs, students then role-play complaints for the situations on the board. I also decided on agreeing and disagreeing, however, I have since been sat here trying to come up with something have you got any pointers/ can you help me out?Thank you in advance!SF. Next, students learn how to make apologies using different structures. Lesson Plan 3 is from The PWP Model which compares how this model is similar and different to the PPP model. Thank you for this. Invite students to write a letter of complaint to a retailer about an MP3 player which has been repaired once, but has developed the same fault a second time. And finally, spend time anticipating challenges your learners will encounter in understanding the meaning, forma and use of the target language and how you will address these challenges in the Presentation and Practice stages. There are a few other words or expressions that would be helpful to learn as well, especially in understanding some important parts of the song, so these could be dealt with in the Introduction activity. Complete the lesson plan by addressing each of the sections (context, input gist task, etc introduction is optional). Pellentesque dapibus eff, a. Fusce dui lectus, congue vel laoreet ac, dictum vitae odio. See below for ideas for each stage of the lesson. Pellentesque, ur laoreet. NOTE: Functional language is the language used that surrounds a particular situation which involves doing some task. A debate is a little complicated, but sometimes we teachers present complicated ideas, such as the structure for giving presentations, doing simulations or special kinds of role-plays / theater, playing some kinds of games, going over how exams are structured and evaluated, etc. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, , ultrices ac magna. -One student in the group then tells the class about discussion. The format is also flexible enough to work numerous educational strategies and methodologies, allowing incorporation of a number of educational theories while providing an organizational structures. There is a variation when we use this framework to teach Listening and Reading skills. Students then take it in turns to make a complaint to their partner who looks at who and where they are on the card and apologizes appropriately. One last point. It is not necessary to find any materials to use (listenings or articles, worksheets, etc), nor write out a lot of detailed ideas (unless you want to). Do you like to watch when other people complain? Nam risus ante, dapibus a mo, ng elit. I was also thinking of using the agreeing & disagreeing lesson topic which should not be that hard in itself, just wish I had anexample of an actual plan. If you work in a situation where you have the flexibility (and the responsibility) to create your own lesson plans and not follow any particular model, then a very strong recommendation is to consider what aspects of different models (such as the PPP or PWP) you might be able to use in your class, without the obligation to try and make everything fit into that one model. Two more tips for lesson planners: Photocopy exercises from a textbook, white-out the answers and let students complete the questions as a review. Sometimes you may want to dedicate only one or two activities and a short time to exploring some language aspect, and dont want to go through all the different stages. You have an important business meeting at 9am. That is something you will have to make decisions on. Phonology is a language system, no less so than grammar or vocabulary, so it can very easily fit into the PPP model. A top-down approach, that starts with a text or an audio clip, is likely to be successful providing that the chosen text or audio clearly demonstrates the target language in use and is appropriate for the level of the learners. -Teacher has students in their groups to discuss the phrases. Through listening and role play, students also learn how to make a complaint, explain a problem, make an apology, show sympathy and promise action. Groups ( 3-4 ) Tell them to think of a time when they done! To submit the actual materials, but it is dealing with an appropriate phrase, e.g a headache a a. 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