Their shells can be quite a bit harder than you might be used to- so dont be afraid to give them a good whack when cracking! Typically, one guinea bird will yield two breasts, two legs, and two wings. However, there are actually seven different looking types of guinea fowl if we consider different colors. The eggs are deeply flavoured, with large golden yolks and surprisingly tough shells. Guinea fowl eggs are usually creamy with light brown spots. When the laying season of a guinea hen begins, you can get up to 1 egg per day. During this period, a guinea hen will lay an egg a day when the laying season begins. 6. Guinea fowl meat is often compared to that of other game birds, such as pheasant or quail, meaning purchasing it from a butcher can be an expensive undertaking. Before you do, its essential to know how to care for these birds properly; they are quirky and wild, much more so than chickens! First, if you have little helpers around the farm, there is less of a chance that the eggs will break on their way to the kitchen. With all the different bird species out there, you may be surprised to know that most people have not eaten eggs from more than two bird species. Hey there! once your guineas are older and its easier to identify the males from the females, the best ratio is one rooster for six or so hens. Guinea fowl are omnivorous birds. The most common is the helmeted guinea. Can You Eat Guinea Fowl Eggs and Meat? Guinea fowls are seasonal layers which means they lay eggs for a short period. Above all, keep on turning them daily for successful incubation. The nutrients of egg reduce the risk of any defects in the brain. Disclosure. Yes, you can eat Guinea eggs just the same as you would a chicken egg. Another way to cook your guinea fowl is with a crockpot or instant pot. In order for me to support my blogging activities, I may receive monetary compensation or other types of remuneration for my endorsement, recommendation, testimonial and/or link to any products or services from this blog. Most poultry stores dont stock these eggs. They will have 2 acres of mature woodland to forage and a huge aviary/ coop to reside at night with old spruce trees inside to roost! But there is a big poultry world out there- and chickens arent the only bird around. They arrived in North America with the early settlers from Europe. The eggs are big and look similar to chicken eggs on the outside, but their shell color varies from white to grey to speckled. Shall I clip their wings? You can prepare guinea fowl eggs almost the same way you would prepare a duck or chicken egg. If you decide to raise guinea fowl for egg production, here are a few things you should know. I am a single mother of four, I was born in Israel and raised in an agricultural commune called a Kibbutz. Guineas do not lay as often or as many eggs as chickens. But the poultry world is a big one, and when people talk of poultry, they do not always remember guineas or their eggs. Do Guineas Eat Snakes? The Answer Might Surprise You. . To save eggs by dehydrating, first, whisk or blend the eggs together. Their eggs may be smaller when compared to chicken or duck eggs, but they are more nutritious and creamier. Also, if you would like to keep guinea fowl for eggs, we discuss some things you should know. Can You Eat Guinea Eggs? To be honest, I didnt enjoy raising guinea fowl. Vitamins are vital in any human life. The vitamin D in Guinea fowl eggs helps regulate phosphate levels in your body. Another option is to sell fertilized eggs to farmers and homesteaders who want to incubate them and hatch their own guineas. Weve even gotten somewhat used to eating duck and duck eggs (find out more about duck eggs!). If you would love to try out guinea fowl eggs, the rest of this article gives an insight into what you should expect. Even though the egg production isn't too much, you can still enjoy it. Although Guinea fowls lay better tasting and healthier eggs, they arent better than chickens and ducks. Due to its lean nature, guinea meat is straightforward to overcook, resulting in dry, stringy meat. Cooked is better and if you are unsure then avoid completely. The guinea fowl will also eat the ant's eggs and larvae. They taste the same as chicken eggs, the only reason why you don't commonly see them for sale is that Guineas lay a lot fewer eggs than chickens. Copyright 2023 - LearnPoultry. They will actually become stringy and dry out the moment you cook them. Put a lid on the pot and bring to a boil over high heat. Their meat tends to be gamey in taste, similar to a pheasant or other wild game bird. Im hoping the Guineas fit in well. All of this boils down to the fact that guinea fowl have a higher concentration of usable meat than chickens. What do guinea fowl eggs taste like? A sick Guinea fowl will never lay consistently, regardless of the diet you give to the bird. You can use a kitchen blender for this if you like. 2. The most common domesticated variety is the Helmeted Guinea fowl. But when you consider it takes two Guinea eggs to equal a chicken egg, this is very similar. The small end of the eggs is more pointed than the egg of a chicken or a duck. Everyone has become so used to eating chicken eggs and duck eggs that they dont even consider the possibility of other types of eggs. Due to their smaller size, they dont need to be cooked as long as chicken eggs, so make sure youre paying very close attention while boiling! 1. As soon as the water reaches a boil, immediately remove the pot from the heat and . Selling guinea fowl eggs might be a nice way to make some additional income. The guinea fowl is known for its loud call, which sounds like a loud, high-pitched cackle. Most stores dont sell Guinea fowl eggs because these eggs are pretty rare. if your hens live in a fenced area that they cant fly out of, you should feed them the same feed laying chickens get. if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'savvyfarmlife_com-leader-1','ezslot_5',106,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-savvyfarmlife_com-leader-1-0');Slow roasting your bird in an oven is a great way to ensure that the final product is juicy, tender, and delicious. Always ask a veterinarian for help regarding your birds. by Sarah Toney | Nutrition, Poultry | 8 comments. Ps I lived on a few kibbutz and moshav in the 90s in Israel. Selenium helps strengthen your immune system, and it further aids in reducing oxidative stress in your body. Yes they can live together like good brothers and sisters. The meat contains essential fatty acids like omega-6 and omega-3. To get an overview on how to care for Guinea Fowl, visit my article, How to Care For Guinea Fowl: Ultimate Guide For Beginners, link to Using Goats To Clear Land: Best Breeds, How Long It Takes & More, link to Do Goats Eat Cans? If youve eaten pheasant or quail before, you have a general idea of what guinea meat tastes like. Vitamins are also crucial for Guinea fowls because they will help them maintain good health. Nonetheless, these eggs are pretty healthier. The vitamin K in Guinea fowl eggs helps provide your body with the proteins it needs to help blood clotting. On average, one guinea fowl egg contains about 10-14% protein or higher. They are rich and creamy and overall delicious! You will follow the exact same process. If youre only purchasing one guinea bird, it can cost upwards of $40, depending on the size of the bird in question. Be sure the eggs are in a single layer, otherwise you may need a bigger pot or need to work in batches. What do newborn Guinea fowl eat? Many people will try to open guinea fowl eggs the same way that they crack chicken eggs, which often results in a hilarious sight to behold. Usually, its more lucrative to raise your fowl, than butcher it yourself, but this can be a daunting process for the uninitiated. This site contains affiliate links. Guinea fowl are not as domesticated as chickens are. Happy it was helpful! Here, it would help if you cracked your egg in a tiny bowl slightly. Used just like chicken eggs you can use them in any recipe that calls for eggs. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. 13) Baby guinea fowl are so cute! As a matter of fact, they have a superior taste because of a creamier and thicker yolk. Guineas typically lay 6 to 7 eggs per week. Recipes online recommend roasting a whole bird, similar to a turkey, in a bath of vegetable stock to help it steam in the oven. When they free-range and hunt high-protein bugs all day, their eggs are really healthy. Guinea hens produce eggs each laying season, just like chickens, and provide additional benefits in the form of pest control through their consumption of ticks, spiders, cockroaches, beetles, and worms. They are attracted to the ants' pheromones, which help the guinea fowl find their prey. But I mean they are not even remotely the same. The total number of eggs laid each year by a guinea hen can total around 90-130 eggs, which brings the average number of eggs laid each year to about 100 eggs. Thank you and have an awesome day! Guinea Fowl Raising // TIPS (We Wish We Were Told) For Raising Guinea Fowl Keets. - The Hip Chick. Thanks for stopping by. Turkey starter (21-23%) for the first four weeks and then 18% feed should be given as needed. Guinea hens are typically more productive in the first 3 years of their life than when they get older. . Consider giving these hens a diet that contains more protein because protein will make them lay more eggs. If you roast a guinea hen, it should be generously covered with fat, such as bacon, duck fat, or butter, and slowly roasted. It is safe to consume guinea fowl meat and eggs, which have a richer, albeit more gamey, taste than chicken meat. Learn more about the different types of edible eggs we eat on the homestead here! We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. Enjoy The Benefits Of . Put a lid on the pot and bring to a boil over high heat. This is the most monetarily sensible way to procure the meat, but its certainly not for the faint of heart. Do guinea fowl need a coop? Guinea Eggs are Richer and Creamier Than Chicken Eggs. While most people insist that Guinea eggs taste like chickens, there is some slight difference. I am thinking of butchering my older hens and one male. Because the bird is lean, the flesh can become dry and stringy, so many recipes call for moist cooking methods. These eggs are rich in flavor, and they taste much better than chicken eggs and duck eggs. A Guinea Is Not A Chicken. Research shows that guinea egg is rich in minerals like sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, zinc, copper and iron. But since it is still quite wild guineas are considered game birds which. I enjoy the feeling of accomplishment that comes from tending my flock. Compared to chickens, Guineas are excellent hunters and scavengers. Guinea fowl eggs have lots of nutritional value to offer to egg lovers. While there is a negligible amount of fat in the egg white, the yolk holds approximately 32% fat. This game bird is the perfect size for two and also makes a good alternative to chicken in tagines. If these two conditions are available, guinea hens will produce better-tasting eggs. Depending on where you come from, Guinea fowl eggs should cost anywhere between $3 and $5. Guinea fowl are ready to eat at 14 to 16 weeks of age. You can even try frying your eggs with some onions and tomatoes to make them taste better. The best place to purchase Guinea fowl eggs is at a poultry store. But that doesnt mean that they arent worth a little extra work. To learn how much it costs to raise Guinea Fowl, check out my article, Guinea Fowl Cost: Cost to Purchase and Raise. We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites. You can learn more about guinea fowl hens and roosters here. . And they tend to have more yolk compared to chickens. Apart from the mineral content of guinea eggs, they also contain significant amounts of protein. In addition, the shell is pretty strong and requires a strong hit if you want to crack it open. But the flavor is almost identical. Your email address will not be published. Their eggs are also smaller, with 2 guinea eggs equaling one large chicken egg. There are three varieties of guineas. Although the birds are not kept commercially for eggs, you can get 50 to 80 eggs annually. Where its great on the bug control front, its not as great on the egg production front. Guinea fowl also lay enough eggs to qualify them as good layers. Stay tuned for the first newsletter in the morning, straight to your inbox. In extremely hot areas, keep the eggs in the refrigerator at least within two hours after collection. What does Guinea Fowl meat taste like is the first question on anyones mind before they eat guinea fowl for the first time. They will quickly acclimate to a coop if you train them from an early age to recognize their new home. For now, feel free to continue reading. Always seek the advice of your physician or a qualified health care professional for any questions you may have regarding your symptoms or medical conditions and before taking any home remedies or supplements. Disclaimer: LearnPoultry does not intend to provide any kind of veterinary suggestion. Guinea eggs take between 26 and 28 days to hatch. Ok, let me summarize all that I mentioned above in one list. For the first 5 weeks of age, feed guinea keets a 24-26% protein turkey or game bird starter, . She also gave me 12 eggs, which I may very well place under a persistent broody hen I have. They contain pyridoxine (B6), folate, pantothenate (B5), vitamin B1, Vitamin B3, and vitamin B2. Harder the shell of guinea fowl eggs is really hard. A study that compared several poultry eggs with guinea eggs has suggests guinea eggs have the highest protein content. But they cant do it if they live in a fence and therefore, many homesteaders let their guinea fowl free-range. DE can improve the quality of eggs if you are having shell problems, keep the feed pest free, prevent internal and external parasites with regular use and . Some people suggest that Guinea fowl eggs taste like chicken eggs. The male species are very aggressive toward one another and will fight often. Guinea hens have 50 percent less fat than chicken, and a 50-50 ratio of meat to bone. Guinea fowl are larger than your average chicken but smaller than a turkey. Guinea fowl meat has 50% less fat than chicken and are leaner- giving a 50-50 ratio of meat to bone. Check whether your Guinea fowl hens have an underlying disease that will most likely stop them from laying consistently. Guinea hens lay around one egg per day, which means you'll have fewer eggs than if you were raising chickens. Using Goats To Clear Land All free run. Guinea hens do not usually lay eggs during the winter. Today lets talk about guinea fowl. Alternatively, you can buy Guinea fowl eggs online or from another farmer that keeps Guinea fowls. Guinea fowl eggs are a treat to eat. . They fit in just about any recipe that calls for eggs and in my opinion, they dont taste any different than a chicken egg but they are smaller so where youll need one chicken egg you might need two guinea fowl eggs. They are a great and very healthy addition to any diet. B2 works in conjunction with B1 to help the body produce red blood cells. With their bright orange beaks and feet they almost look too cute to be real! It takes keets 26 days to hatch. Can guinea . Plus try some of these great guinea feather crafts, like a Guinea Feather Wreath or make Guinea Feather Earrings. Its electrified to prevent coyotes/ bear etc. Guinea hens are birds from the same family as chickens and ducks, so their eggs are similar in appearance and taste. And can be quite delicious! Most stores dont sell Guinea fowl eggs because Guinea fowls are domestic birds that most people dont keep at home. You can sell them straight from your home or at farmers markets. Guinea eggs are a bit smaller than chicken eggs- roughly 2 guinea eggs to equal one large . It is safe to consume guinea fowl meat and eggs, which have a richer, albeit more gamey, taste than chicken meat. You might be thinking, "Well, duh!". Similar to other egg selections, you can get an impressive amount of vitamin B1(thiamine), B2 (riboflavin), B12, B9, and B3 (niacin). Even though the eggs are smaller, the yolk inside of them is as large as most chicken egg yolks. This low production may be due to the fact that guinea hens are seasonal layers. I can easily stick a few more eggs under a broody hen. When raw, the yolks are almost orange . They might not be as easy to collect as chicken eggs (more on this later), but if you happen to get your hands on some guinea eggs I know for sure that you are going to enjoy eating them. Also the shape is a little different than chicken eggs. Now, let's move on to guinea eggs. . With a single . However, they can be friendly if trained from an early age. Guinea eggs are high in protein, rich in fat (the good kind), have a low value of carbohydrates, rich in calcium, and have a high value of zinc. The feathers of guinea fowl are Guinea fowl eggs can be used in many ways that chicken eggs can be used, but they add a bit of extra flavour to . The study cited earlier also suggests guinea fowl eggs contain more fat than other poultry eggs. The frequency of their egg-laying depends on their location and the time of year. Smaller smaller than regular chicken eggs. Can you keep Guinea Fowl and chickens together? Keeping guinea fowl is about the same amount of work as chickens are. quantity of meat. The shell is harder than that of a chicken egg . Most recipes that I found follow the general rules of crockpot cooking: If youre looking for a low-maintenance crockpot recipe for your guinea fowl, checkthis oneout. The guinea fowl eggs are very tasty and consist of vitamins A, E, and also D3 which are essential for good health. The content of this website is not meant to be a substitute for professional medical advice. Finally, you can use Guinea eggs for dishes that require a concentrated egg yolk flavor. During the laying season an egg a day is common. However, frying your eggs will make them taste much better than duck or chicken eggs. Guinea fowl eggs are also an ideal source of dietary cholesterol. Since Guinea fowls dont lay many eggs like ducks and chickens, Guinea fowls dont rely on commercial feed, unlike ducks and eggs. Make sure the feed that you choose is high in protein, at least 16% protein. This is one of the most trustworthy of testing egg freshness. Guinea fowl eggs also contain fat, especially their yolk. if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'savvyfarmlife_com-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_2',105,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-savvyfarmlife_com-large-leaderboard-2-0');While guinea fowl meat is harder to source than chicken meat, that doesnt mean that its impossible to find. Guinea fowl eggs have a similar taste to chicken eggs. This is because their meat is leaner and more tender than older guinea fowl meat. I help homesteaders simplify their homesteading journey while still producing a ton of food! The bird is usually about the size of a chicken and has dark feathers. Secondly, these eggs have low cholesterol, unlike chicken and duck eggs. The statements on this web site have not been evaluated by the FDA. A single average-sized batan 12-15 guinea eggs. Guinea fowl are highly sociable birds and you should aim to keep at least four to six birds. If you have a small flock of birds, you can use natural incubation methods with relative ease. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. A better diet comes with a combination of free foraging and quality commercial feed. You should never give the medicated feed to Guineas since it is highly toxic to them. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This website and the articles it contains are for informational purposes only. Guinea fowl eggs also contain some vitamin A. Let the guineas do the work a guinea hen should go broody at some point if you leave her nest alone and let the eggs pile up in there. Finally, magnesium is vital to regulate muscle and nerve functions within the body. 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Scott Shleifer Golfer, Articles C