Naturalized Ghanaian citizen constitute 5.3 percent. Employees (1.2%) and apprentices (1.1%) are not significant groups among working children. The private informal sector, especially agriculture and small-scale industries, is the largest source of employment in the region. Primary school is the highest level attained by 52.4 per cent in the region. 31.6 per cent of households use well water for drinking and the remaining households (18.1%) depend on natural and man-made water sources such as spring, river/stream, rain water and dugout to collect rain water. The population aged 30-44 years who are likely to have considerable work experience constitute between 26.2 and 27.9 per cent of the economically active population in the districts. In terms of bathing space, 82.8 per cent of households in the region use space provided for the purpose within the house, while 15.5 per cent use the open space around the house/compound and 1.3 per cent use either a public bath house or a bathroom in another house. There are more than 8 languages and major dialects, including Gurune (frafra), Nankani, kassem, Taleni, Nadam, Kusal, Buili and Bisah. At every level of educational attainment, there is a higher proportion of males than females. It also reflects the extent of fostering in the living arrangements of households (Ghana Statistical service, 2002). The data shows that in the region, more females than males have never attended school. The district's administrative capital is Zebilla. About two per cent (1.9%) profess no religious affiliation, and less than one per cent (0.8 percent) belong to other religious groupings. Population size, growth rate and density. The Pre-Cambrian Basement Complex rocks are made up of crystalline igneous and metamorphic rocks which cover about 92% of the region. This page was last edited on 20 November 2022, at 19:40. It is also known that deposits of manganese exist in the areas between Nangodi and Duusi and to the North West of Pwalugu. Among notable Upper East Region towns are Zebilla, Bawku, Paga, and Navrongo. Three-quarters (74.5%) of those who have attended school in the region reached only primary or middle/JSS levels. The political administration of the region is through the local government system. A greater proportion of households in Upper East (70.2%) use protected wells and boreholes as their main sources of drinking water. A brief summary of findings is presented before discussing possible interventions. About 56 per cent (55.7 percent) of the labour force is below 35 years. Except in a few towns, majority of the inhabitants live in rural areas with subsistence farms around their houses. One distinct feature of these cottage industries is that they are basically labour intensive and rely mostly on traditional talent and skill. sub ethnic groups in central region of ghana. Small-scale gold mining activities galamsey also draw migrants into the district. Virtually, no industries, There is high incidence of youth migration to the South in the dry season. In the country as a whole, 74.4 per cent of economically active persons are self-employed without employees with an additional 5 per cent with employees. Females constitute another group of the population that appears to be excluded and needs to be integrated into the development process. In terms of employment status, 60.2 per cent are self-employed without employees, 28.2 per cent are unpaid family workers and 4.7 per cent are domestic employees. The three major industrial activities are Agriculture, including Hunting and Forestry, Wholesale and Retail trade, and Manufacturing. The values of the indicators show that most of the demographic characteristics of the districts are very similar to the regional pattern. This situation is most likely due to the combined effects of the late introduction of Western education, the influence of Islamic religion, general poverty and other cultural practices. Traditional religion is the most common form of worship in the region (46.4%), followed by Christianity (28.3%) and Islam (22.6%). Private basic schools are found in Bolgatanga, Navrongo and Bawku. Only 3.5 per cent of those who had ever attended school reached the tertiary level varying from 2.3 per cent in Builsa to 4.0 per cent in Bongo. 6. The main administrative structure at the regional level is the Regional Co-ordinating Council (RCC), headed by the Regional Minister. There is a great potential in the region for the large-scale production of rice especially in the now onchocerciasis (river blindness) free zone. engagement in economic activity by children of school going age 7-14 years) is widespread in all districts. Among the districts, Bolgatanga (27.7%) has the highest effective literacy level with 34.2 per cent for males and 22.0 for females. Thus, the uses of charcoal and firewood have serious implications for the environment. In all the other districts, the proportion of localities 25 kilometres or more from a clinic facility varies from 6.6 per cent in Bolgatanga to 11.6 per cent in Bawku East. Burnt by household implies that the household burns the rubbish and Buried by household is the situation where the rubbish is buried inside or outside the dwelling unit. This is also reflected in a national inter-censal increase which is 2.5 times that of the region. Kassena-Nankana has the highest proportion (29.6%) of localities with a JSS, followed by Bolgatanga (27%), while Bawku West (5.9%) has the least proportion of localities with a JSS. Abura-Asebu-Kwamankese. However, Abubakari (2015) in their study in Northern region, a similar The Oti and Obosum formation have nodular structures and it is intensely weathered. Ghana is an African nation located on the continent's western edge, and it spans an area of roughly 92,497 square miles. The proportion that is grandchildren and other relatives varies from 17.6 per cent in the Builsa, to 31.7 per cent in the Bongo, District. The proportion of boys (76.5%) and girls (77.9%) who are in pre-school is about the same. The Ministry of Healths accessibility standard is to provide 1 health facility within a distance not exceeding 8 kilometres from a locality. This however has to be against the background of a feasibility study with the lifespan of the deposits and a comprehensive environmental impact assessment. Copyright 2020 - CWSA - Baked by Proweb Solutions, The Upper East region is located in the North Eastern part of Ghana covering a total area of 8,842km2. The homeless households constitute 1.0 per cent of the national figure and 0.02 per cent of all households in the region. Among the male population, the proportion ranges from 55.7 per cent in Kassena-Nankana to 64 per cent in Bawku West, while for the female population, the proportion currently married ranges from 57.2 per cent in Bongo to 70 per cent in Bawku West. About one in two households dump their solid waste elsewhere. The regions on the south are the Brong Ahafo and Volta regions. 1). It ranges between 4.8 per cent in Kassena-Nankana and 7.2 per cent in Bongo. The community is blessed with millet, shea butter, maize, and gold, among others. The major ethnic groups are the Dagaba, Sisaala and Wala. The capital is Bolgatanga, sometimes referred to as Bolga. The main occupations in the region in order of magnitude are, agriculture and related work (65.9%), production and transport equipment work (14.5%), sales work (9.5%) service work (3.9%), and professional, technical and related work 3.8 per cent. The age structure for the sexes shows that at the regional level, there are more males than females at all ages 0-19 years, except for the age group 0-4 years. Naturalized Ghanaians constitute 5.3 per cent and the rest are non-Ghanaians. While the giant was fighting the last man one night, a woman entered and danced deftly to divert everyone's attention away from the fight. The male-female differential in educational attainment, which is negligible at the lower levels, increasingly widens at each successive level of educational attainment. The proportion of households occupying three or four rooms is highest (45.2%) in Builsa and Bongo (44.1%) and lowest (20.4%) in Bawku East. Even though the regions population growth rate of 1.1 per cent is much lower than the national rate of 2.7 percent, it should nevertheless be of much concern because of the low level of employment and low level of exploitation of available resources within the region to sustain the population. Such efforts should include sensitizing the male population to perceive females as partners in decision-making processes in their respective communities. Males and females show a similar proportional pattern except for the employee category where there are approximately two males to each female employee. Careful assessment is needed to identify policies and interventions, appropriate to meet individual district needs and circumstances. Bolgatanga has the largest proportion of households using electricity (19.5%), followed by Bawku East (15.2%). Upper East is located in the north-eastern corner of the country between longitude 00 and 10 West and latitudes 100 30N and 110N. A large increase in the number of women of childbearing ages inevitably means more children (i.e. It is not more than 7 per cent in any district. In all districts, except Bawku East, the largest proportions of households (31-47%) are of medium size. In Ghana, the Gur group is subdivided into three major ethnic groups. It is the language officially used in the government, in business communications, and in education as a medium of instruction. This varies from 1.3 per cent in Bongo to 43.6 per cent in Bawku East. Although the climatic condition can be relatively dry, the region's endowments make it a place worth staying, especially for farmers or those who look forward to picking a career in the agricultural sector. The Regions inter-censal rate is 1.2 percent per annum and is slightly below the national growth rate of 2.5 percent. Production and transport equipment workers constitute a substantial second in all districts except Bawku East, where sales workers are the second major occupation. About two out of every three are in agriculture (66.4%). Although the proportion of females who had never attended school is still higher than that for males, the proportion has reduced from 88.1 per cent in 1984 to 74.4 per cent in 2000. This should involve the collection, analysis and dissemination of population data (baseline demographic surveys, registration of births and deaths), and population information dissemination programmes (awareness programmes on population problems, will encourage the use of population data). Domestic employees or house helps constitute less than one per cent (0.6%). About seven out of ten (69.4%) migrants are from the southern sector of the country, and almost half of these are from Ashanti (32.6%). The availability, accessibility and affordability of kerosene should therefore be of great concern in each district of the region. The Mole-Dagbani ethnic group comprises the Moshi (Mossi), Mamprusi, Nanumba and Dagomba.There are more than 450,000 Mamprusi living in Ghana, and approximately 11,000 in Togo. About one in four of the births (22.8%) occurs to mothers aged 15-24 years compared to 17.1 per cent to mothers aged 40-49 years. There is evidence of over concentration of essential services in Bolgatanga, Navrongo and Bawku, which are all district capitals. In a polygamous family, one mans death results in more than one woman becoming a widow, whereas one wifes death in the same polygamous family does not result in a man reporting himself as widowed. The age distribution however, is not much affected by changes in mortality, because mortality reduction, in general, does not relate to one or more specific age groups but affects the whole population. The climate of the region is relatively dry, with a single rainy season. mud, mud bricks/earth, and cement/concrete) account for 95.8 per cent of materials for the floor of dwelling units as well. For example, whereas only 8.9 per cent of households in Kassena-Nankana live in houses roofed with thatch from grass, 78.2 per cent in Bawku West live in houses roofed with thatch from grass. Within the Christian religion, the Catholics are in the majority. Distances from locality to nearest facilities. The orthodox health service in the region is organised in a four-tier system: regional, district, sub-district and community levels. Both the public and private (in or around the house) toilet facilities can be flush toilets (W.C), pit latrine, KVIP or bucket/pan latrines. When educational attainment is restricted to the population aged 6 years and over, the proportion in the region which has never attended school is 71.8 percent. The five together make up 97.6 per cent of all occupations. The proportional shares of the three industry groups in the region are agriculture, including hunting and forestry (67.2%), manufacturing (11.3%) and wholesale and retail trade (9.6%). The Agbadza dance consists of five motions: the Banyinyi, Vutsotsor, Adzo, and Hatsatsa. They are numerous tourist attractions in the region, notable among which are the Paga Crocodile Pond, the Bolgatanga Museum which houses objects of historical importance of the region and the Kulungugu Bomb site, where an attempt was made on the life of Ghanas first President, Dr. Kwame Nkrumah. It is performed at the festival of chiefs and communities. The Kassena-Nankana District has 25.0 per cent of the doctors, 19.1 per cent of the nurses and 17.6 per cent of the para-medical staff. The three main aquifer zones identified are: the weathered, fractured zone and bedrock-weathered zone interface (zones intruded by quartz veins and pegmatites) aquifers. It could also reflect a better understanding of the concept of household and therefore a better identification of households within the residential structures. The Agbadza derives from an ancient conflict known as the Atrikpui and is usually performed during the Hogbestsotso festival. In the region as a whole, many people must be relying on traditional medical practitioners to meet a substantial portion of their primary health care needs. About 8.1 per cent males and 5.5 per cent females attainted middle/JSS level. Literacy in English only, or English and a Ghanaian language, varies from 12.2 per cent in the Bawku West, to 27.7 per cent in the Bolgatanga, District. Although Ghana is a multiethnic country, more than 98 per cent of Ghanaians are black Africans. The age-sex ratios remain low till age 40-44 years when the ratios pick up again. This is made up of 66.6 per cent of males and 82.8 per cent of females. Also, it shares boundaries with Bawku West district, the Republic of Togo, Burkina Faso, and Garu community to the North, East, West and the South respectively. Less than half (47.1%) of localities have a primary school within the community and an additional 32.4 per cent can access a primary school within the stipulated Ministry of Educations standard of not more than three kilometre-radius. Garu increased from 3,104 in 1984 to 5,057 in 2000, while Pusiga grew from 1,125 to 6,823 over the same period. The distribution of children by occupation, industry, and employment status and institutional sector generally follows closely the pattern of the adult population in each district. The slow progress in the development of social services in the region is also highlighted in the fact that post offices, telephones and hospital facilities are available only in the district capitals. No facility means that there is no toilet facility of any kind available for the use of the household and the household members use places other than the above-mentioned, including the bush, field, rivers or streams. The population below 15 years falls within the range of 40.6 per cent in Kassena-Nankana to 46.4 per cent in Bawku West. Notwithstanding the high populations per house and population per household in the region, therefore, there are enough rooms for each member of the household to avoid overcrowding. The main produce are millet, guinea-corn, maize, groundnut, beans, sorghum and dry season tomatoes and onions. People are likely then to seek assistance from the nearest facility including a traditional healer, or a licensed chemical seller, even if the particular emergency is outside the competence of that particular facility. The sex composition of the districts favours females. The proportion of the population aged six years or older, who have never attended school varies from 61.2 per cent in Bolgatanga, to 77.8 per cent in the Bawku East, District. The sex composition of the population shows a preponderance of females over males, in all the districts. These changes in the age structure of the labour force need to be taken into account in formulating short/medium and long-term policies and planned programmes. Western, Central, Eastern and Brong Ahafo regions) of Ghana -regions that are relatively more prosperous than those in the northern part of the country (i.e. There are programmes to improve agriculture and food production (extension services, introduction of new varieties of crops). There is no district in which the proportion of localities with a JSS is above thirty per cent. The region is entirely within the Meningitis Belt of Africa. The current list is as follows: Tertiary Institutions Secondly, existing cultural practices, in relation to the position of women and girls in society, should be critically examined and modified or scrapped. It has been very difficult to get complete and reliable data on the provision of sanitation facilities (Household latrines) in the region. The weathered zone aquifer is found within the regolith which comprises a top soil and highly weathered mantle or saprolite. In the districts, spouses who are separated range from one per cent in Bawku East to 3.4 per cent in Bongo. The proportion of households using five to six sleeping rooms ranges from 7.6 per cent in Builsa to 23.2 per cent in Bawku East. It was carved out of the Bolgatanga municipal assembly, and it has Tempane as its administrative capital. These ethnic groups are further subdivided into more than 60 smaller ones. Within the region, only 22.1 per cent of households have a means of burning or burying their solid waste, presumably around the house or having it collected for disposal (3.3%). This means that the formal sector constitutes only 25.4 per cent of the economy of the region and this has implications for tax revenue mobilization. Spouses constitute 12.2 per cent of household members, slightly less than the proportion of heads of household. Data show that proximity of the two adjacent regions (Northern and Upper West) does not appear to be a significant pull factor for migration into the districts. Just like the Kwa, the Gur also have further subdivisions. These shared attributes were among the variables that contributed to state formation in the precolonial period. Home; News. Among other things, you will get to know the total communities each of them has, their administrative capitals, and how populated they are. The national capital of Accra is also connected to the region by the N2 which terminates in Kulungugu in the Upper East Region. What is common to these three northern regions however is that they have an average household size larger than the national average of 5.1 persons per household. The eligible population (aged 15 years or older) who are never married ranges from 18.5 per cent in Bawku West to 28.1 per cent in Bolgatanga, the regional capital. The proportion of households enjoying rent-free accommodation ranges from 1.9 per cent in Bongo to 4.8 per cent in Bolgatanga. The highest educational level completed, by 74.5 per cent of those who have ever attended school, is the primary and middle/JSS. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply. So, the innocent community people will definitely have to suffer the chief's unfortunate decision of being an appointed member of government. The proportion of eligible males who are never married ranges from 25.5 per cent in Bongo to as highas 36.0 per cent in Bolgatanga. These are the orthodox Western type (allopathic) and the traditional (mainly herbal) systems. None of the children work in the public sector, private formal sector, semi public/parastatal sector and NGO/international organizations. This is higher than the national density of 103.4 persons per square kilometer (km2). The highest ratio of 3,316 people to one registered traditional medical practitioner is in Bolgatanga. The major occupations in the region are agriculture and related workers (66.4%), production and transport equipment workers (14.7%), sales workers, (9.6%), service workers (4.0%) and professional, technical and related workers (3.8%). Other groups include Chekosis, Bimobas and Vaglas. The fact that children at these ages are already gainfully employed is a reflection of the extent of child labour in the region. The Upper East Region is divided into 15 districts, each headed by a district chief executive. The Kusasis make up 22.6 per cent of the regions total population, but they make up about 75 per cent of the population of Bawku West and 47.6 per cent of the population of Bawku East. The regions population of 920,089 is not evenly distributed among the six districts. Nearly a third (29.7%) are production and transport equipment workers, while about a tenth are services workers (5.0%) and sales workers (4.6%). Migrants from outside Ghana make up 7.9 per cent of migrants. The sex ratio is also not much at variance with the national and regional figures. Over 90 per cent of households in Builsa (92.7%), Bongo (90.7%) and Bawku West (91%) use the kerosene lamp. The capital is Bolgatanga, sometimes referred to as 'Bolga'. The bedrock-weathered zone interface (quartz-veined aquifers) aquifer, which is the third major, is found in bedrocks. ENABLE Youth 1D1F and Bongo (shea) are two of the factories located in the community. The differences in the female/male population from age 20 to 69 are consistently high for the region. Its administrative capital is Zuarungu, and endowments like cashew, rubber, and Gold are peculiar. Type of activity. The survival rate of the children ever born varies from 70.0 per cent in the Bongo, to 80.8 per cent in the Bawku East, District. The Public health care programmes include the expansion and improvement of health, water and sanitation, surveillance, prevention and control of malaria, yaws, oncho, guinea worm, diarrhoea diseases, acute respiratory infections, and mental health. Use protected wells and boreholes as their main sources of drinking water highest of... Firewood have serious implications for the region constitute a substantial second in all districts, except Bawku to. Protected wells and boreholes as their main sources of drinking water or middle/JSS levels for! 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