There are issues that matter quite a lot to people on the ground but never make it onto the national agenda because elites have no interest in debating them. And while minorities cannot dictate policy outcomes at the national level, they can rule at the state and local level. In the early 1990s, Michigan and Wisconsin, led by Republican governors, used federal money to enact Welfare to Work schemes within the very welfare programs they sought to topple. We often forget that the federal governments administrative capacity is modest, relatively speaking. Diversity guarantees that racial minorities are always in the minority for every decision where people divide along racial lines. Eliminating opportunities for local governance to protect racial minorities and dissenters also means eliminating the very sites where they are empowered to rule. Both can help further equality and nurture dissent. Throughout history, both progressive and conservative federalism has beenopportunistic. But in a saying often attributed to Mark Twain, it often rhymes. Its 2015 budget (excluding defense, Social Security, and mandatory spending obligations) was less than $600 billion. Progressive Federalism Wednesday, February 1, 2017 at 12:10PM - 1:00PM Room 121 Open To The Public Add to Calendar: Description While progressives have long been skeptical of federalism, progressive federalism could prove to be an important defensive tool for progressive advocacy under a Trump Administration and Republican Congress. If New York regulates lead in toys, children everywhere will be safer because of spillovers. Politics can play an important role in promoting economic integration, and economics can play an important role in promoting political integration. For example, we typically dont use the word dissent to describe San Franciscos decision to issue same-sex marriage licenses or the efforts of the Texas school board to rewrite its history curriculum. But, like any administrative scheme, the states had discretion, and, in this case, red states used their discretion to great effect. Progressives also associate federalismand its less prominent companion, localism, which simply means decentralization within a statewith parochialism and the suppression of dissent. (And one of the authors of this essay has spent more than a decade arguingincluding in the pages of this journal that federalism doesnt have a political valence.) Learn more about the definition of cooperative federalism, and . Some early state and local battles were lost, but same-sex marriage proponents used those fights as staging grounds for organizing and debate. If left to their own devices, politicians in red and blue states will rarely negotiate with their colleagues on the other side. Note, for instance, how different these instances of minority rule looked from the bread-and-butter activities of other proponents of same-sex marriage. It should come as no surprise that de Tocquevilles democracy fails to produce Webers bureaucracy. Like uncooperative federalism, spillovers are a form of agenda-settingthey force debate on issues Washington might want to avoid. Progressives at the state and local level can influence policy simply by refusing to partner with the federal government.. The federal government doesnt have the resources to carry out all of the new Congresss proposals. Article I, for example, lists Congress enumerated powers and anytime theres a list says Young, lawyers will ask if it is exclusive or representative. Foundations of American Legal Thought Public Lectures Series, Consumer Information (ABA Required Disclosures), Wednesday, February 1, 2017 at 12:10PM - 1:00PM. The first is integrationensuring that our fractious polity remains a polity. Lenny Mendonca is co-founder and board chair of FUSE Corps, former senior fellow at the Presidio Institute, and former senior partner emeritus at McKinsey & Company. Sign up for our email newsletter! is an expert in constitutional and election law, and the J. Skelly Wright Professor of Law at Yale Law School. Minorities get a chance to forge consensus and to fend off dissenters. sometimes causes or exacerbates them. The market The costs seem too great. Instead, we saw a peaceful if slightly carnival-like atmosphere, with the only source of excitement being the Gay Mens Choir. contracts, competitions, and prizes. Unfortunately, the moment one mentions federalism many progressives stop listening. Arnold Foundation and Ballmer Group and by using the substantial powers of federalism Civic inclusion was the hardest fight. The former made headlines in December by boldly claiming that California would launch its own satellites if the federal government abandoned its climate research. They can resist Washington overreach, shape national policies, and force the Republicans to compromise. of dollars of federal funding to programs that Racism, Parochialism, and the Costs of Local Power. Our social, political, and economic life still reflects racial divides. our most important national policiessuch as Reproduction of material from any Salon pages without written permission is strictly prohibited. using the subnational governments in the US There is no question that states rights was often used to defend horrible things, says Young, but decentralization is not by definition conservative. If congressional Republicans succeed at repealing and replacing the Affordable Care Act, their plans will likely devolve substantial authority, largely in the form of grant money, to the states. will state, city, and local leaders from the public We are thus quite dubious about institutions that depart from statistical mirroring, including those where racial minorities dominate. By the Civil War, the federal courts had established several key principles of federalism, including the power of federal courts to invalidate unconstitutional state laws, to nullify conflicting state-court rulings, and to ensure the supremacy of federal law enacted within the enumerated powers the Constitution delegated to the federal government. of those related to the military) are on course to We should look to minority rule, not just minority rights, as we build a better democracy. as governments collaborate with data-driven of social justice. and for the role of government in cross-sector Your embrace of federalism has a lot to do with whose ox is being gored. When people invoke federalism, he says, it is because they think it is going to do something that they prefer to have done. Federalism is simply, completely, opportunistic, agrees Sanford Levinson, a professor of law and government at the University of Texas. In 1786, people were geographically distributed in populations that at some level didnt trust one another and might not like one another, says Levinson. For years, states rights and federalism have been a right-wing cause, but now the tables are turning. But the model currently favored by progressivesa strong nationalist systemhas costs as well, as the discussion above makes clear. And, in doing so, we hope to persuade even the most fervent nationalist to become a fan of federalism. Or consider the Supreme Courts equality jurisprudence. In a federation, the self-governing status of the component states, as well as the division of power between them and the central . actors. A Helsinki Moment for a New Democracy Strategy. Note, for instance, that both sides of the debate on immigration have struggled to get the federal government to act on this question. When Virginia made it easy to buy a gun, guns flooded into New York City despite its rigorous firearms prohibitions. Similarly, while the First Amendment has long been thought of as part of the bedrock of our democracy, it does not represent the only tool for furthering dialogue and nurturing dissent. If progressives want to take a lesson from the conservative handbook, they will have to consider which parts of the equality projectreforming immigration, policing, sentencing, to give just a few examplesthey can directly advance. or progressiveyet it can be a powerful As mentioned, many think of federalism as a means of entrenching the worst aspects of our politics. [T]he creation of a black middle class, they write, has depended on the vigilance of a black political class. A group of economists at George Mason University found that black employment rates, for instance, rise during the tenure of black mayors, an effect that is particularly pronounced for municipal jobs. Joshua Revesz The problem is that progressive views on dissent exhibit the same shortcomings as our discourse on race. No one wants to be a member of a party whose victories are all in the kill, whose only role in national politics is that of the gadfly. Now is the time to acknowledge the nationalist case for local power. The Constitution, though, will stand in their way. LGBT advocates realized that nationwide marriage equality would be a heavy lift. seems inexorably divided. In the worst-case scenario, states threaten secession and it leads to civil war, as it did in 1861. Protecting a state or citys residents from financial fraud is an effectiveand sure-to-be popularmethod of progressive resistance. Instead, we condemn governing bodies dominated by dissenters as lawless or parochial, as Fordham Law School Professor Nestor Davidson and University of Virginia Law Professor Richard Schragger have both found in their studies of the discourse surrounding local power. Liberals are often concerned that federalism leaves too many people behind. Even if the Trump Administration were to lower environmental standards to protect gas-guzzling cars, it wouldnt matter. When progressives turn to governance, however, they crave administrative efficiency, worry about local incompetence, and have a strong impulse to quash local rebellion. Built by Tierra Innovation. Democracy: A Journal of Ideas, Inc. All right reserved. Progressive Federalism Definition Movement that gives state officials significant leeway in acting on issues normally considered national in scope, such as the environment and consumer protection. But having a Democrat in the White House was just too tempting for most progressives. The United States has had a philosophical tug-of-war over federalism from its founding, most notably between Thomas Jefferson, our first secretary of state, and Alexander Hamilton, our first treasury secretary. We thank you for your support! should be evaluated and changed on The statistical integration model dominates here as well, albeit in a less explicit form. Which is the best definition of federalism? Progressives have lost the federal government and are seeing the merits of decentralized solutions to problems posed by Trumps policy proposals. Finally, states can fill gaps in federal regulatory schemes by resisting programs from within. The decisions issued in San Francisco and Massachusetts didnt just put to rest a variety of dire arguments about what would happen if same-sex couples were allowed to marry. While we fashion this as a progressive users guide, it could, in theory, work just as well for conservatives should they lose the presidency in 2020. Sign up for our print edition! programs (with the notable exception Changing policies in these areasand many moreis possible only if cities and states lend a hand. This means that states can shape policy simply by refusing to partner with the federal government. Nor is it only the color-blindness camp that views minority-dominated institutions with skepticism. capacity. Care to venture a guess as to The New York Times headline? to its functioning and to our better understanding of user needs. The hope, as part of a "progressive federalism," is that these states and cities will have the capacity to chart a course distinctly different from the one being pursued by the federal government. Supporters of same-sex marriage spent many years exercising their First Amendment rights. Or Perhaps we shouldnt worry when it is a racial minority group in that position. tool for progressive change now. A federal program that doesnt affect California, New York, and Illinoisto say nothing of Houston, Atlanta, and Phoenixwont touch a huge portion of America. [1] with 14 million workers and combined Rather than just complaining, they instructed their officials not to collect or share certain information with the feds unless the actions accorded with the states constitutions. And they should remember that working through state and local institutions to enact progressive ideas is just as important as opposing whatever comes out of Washington. sector responsibilities, though they can play Minority rule can promote both the economic and political integration of racial minorities. The second rationale is that a federalist The Obama administration used all of these tools to encourage innovation and local design in Instead of the laboratories of democracy, Young says, he is beginning to think the states are valuable as the fallout centers of democracy, where the defeated party can go back and build up its strength and live to fight another day.. Many crown jewels of the national progressive agenda are similarly the product of progressive federalism. Heather K. Gerken is an expert in constitutional and election law, and the J. Skelly Wright Professor of Law at Yale Law School. The term federalism refers to the political understanding or system where ultimate authority is shared between the state or regional governments and the central government. We laud diversity on the grounds that racial minorities bring a distinctive view or experience to democratic decision-making. Federal dependence on the states is so pronounced in criminal law that Vanderbilt law professor Robert Mikos has argued that states can nullify federal marijuana law by withdrawing enforcement resources. Consider the way the debate over same-sex marriage has unfolded during the last decade. Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis called The notion of turning the tables thus taps into a deeply intuitive idea of democratic fairness. Instead, it relies on states and localities to carry out its policies. Jefferson, an educated owner of 10,000 acres and 200 slaves, wanted the country to remain a nation of farmers in control of their own destinies (and of the grim fates of their slaves) and he advocated for maintaining strong state power. Federalism and localism, in contrast, depend oneven glory inthe idea of minority rule. The federal government cannot hire its own cops or teachers or put its own bureaucrats at every desk. Given its many virtues, one might wonder why anyone would quarrel with the notion that democratic bodies should look like America. So much for dignity. Federalism is for everyone, and its time that liberals took notice. ability of the Supreme Court to determine constitutionality of decisions fiscal federalism the national government's usage of money to bribe state governments into carrying out programs; use project grants (for certain issues) and block grants (states use as they want) progressive federalism Rather, theyre essential for keeping important issues in the news and for denying President Trump sole control of the political agenda. Why should we care? Blue cities and states can learn from the San Francisco model. the damage by becoming more powerful crosssector Such a strategy would be impossible without the hard-won battles of the civil rights movement. And we forget that it is perfectly plausible to centralize some things and not others; if you are worried about economic inequality, you can run your schools at the local level without funding them there. In the 1790s Hamilton argued fora stronger centralized government and a national bank. But ours is a system where local power can turn outsiders into insiders, integrating them into a political system and enabling them to protect themselves. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed. He made his name in the world of urban commerce and believed that a vibrant merchant class and centralized power would be Americas ticket to worldwide stature. the belief of all levels of government working together cooperatively to achieve and solve common problems. But the odd thing about a rights strategy for protecting dissent is that it pushes dissenters outside of the project of governance. . PROGRESSIVE FEDERALISM | 7 Getting beyond the simple rejection of identity politics Its e' asy to dismiss the claims of identity, easy to say it has nothing but economic downsides as well as being socially undesirable. One might even argue that this was the story of integration for white ethnics, as Justice David Souter once argued. The answer lies within what legal scholar Heather Gerken calls progressive federalism: the mobilization of state power against the federal government by progressives, given that "racial minorities and dissenters can wield more electoral power at the local level than they do at the national." federal system. Government action at the federal, state, Similarly, states can thwart federal mandates by insisting on following the law to the letter. The best definition People who dont like states rights tend to be dismissive of the 10thAmendment. Young describes the 10thAmendment as reading guidelines for other parts of the Constitution. Yet the people involved in these decisions subscribe to the same commitments as those whom we would in other contexts unthinkingly term dissenters. They simply dissented not through a blog or a protest or an editorial, but by offering a real-life instantiation of their views. However, when one turns to the question of winners and losers, the limits of the diversity paradigm are clear. Dissent helps create the deliberative churn necessary for an ossified political system to move forward. A constitutional arrangement by which power is equally distributed between a central government and state governments. Short answer:Federalism is part of our governments design a vertical sharing of power between the national and state governments. Using the power they wield in states and cities across the country, progressives can do a good deal more than mourn and obstruct. Often when we talk about democratic equality, we focus on its symbolic benefits rather than its material ones. The first, Printz v. United States, decided in 1997, stands for the proposition that the federal government may not commandeer state and local workers by forcing them to carry out federal policy. Progressives have long looked to the realm of rights to shield racial minorities and dissenters from unfriendly majorities. Gerken, distinguished scholar of progressive Federalism is a type of government in which the power is divided between the national government and other governmental units. Progressivism holds that it is possible to improve human societies through political action. Watch on Professor Gerken outlined how federalism can be a very useful tool because it enables political minorities to implement important policy and legislative changes at the local and state level. In the antebellum period, he points out, national power was biased in favor of slavery and the federal government imposed theFugitive Slave Act. Amendment: The powers not delegated to health care and education. It would be foolish to insist that every state and local policy must be progressive for progressives to favor federalism. Its a depressing picture for those on the left. They have moved from teaching the creation story to merely teaching the controversy.. The war has continued with the Obama Administration, which has struggled to rope states and localities into cooperating with its education agenda. Local pilots and experimentation allow In a coda to the decision upholding the constitutionality of the Acts individual mandate, Chief Justice John Roberts (with six other Justices in agreement), held that the Obama Administration could not force states to expand Medicaid by threatening to strip them of all Medicaid funding. The second is dialogueensuring a healthy amount of debate and disagreement within our democracy. California is an unusual state. So, as a result of the federalism doctrine created by conservative justices, President Trump and the GOP-dominated Congress dont have many sticks with which to bludgeon uncooperative states and cities. problems addressed by federal programs will not As in the context of race, we often laud minority rights because they can knit political outliers into the polity. Federalism is not intrinsically conservative Croson Co. (1989) that a minority set-aside program is more constitutionally suspect because it was enacted by a black-majority city council. The people who put these policies in place made the case for same-sex marriage in a way that abstract debate never could achieve. It allows the usual winners to lose and the usual losers to win. But at the Constitutional Convention of 1787, the goal was to form a more perfect union that would provide military security and a more open system of trade, while retaining the rights of states. States and municipalities have a lot of power to challenge Washington. officials. California prohibits businesses from engaging in unlawful, unfair, or fraudulent activities. Laura D. Tyson is a distinguished professor of the Graduate School and faculty director of the Institute for Business & Social Impact at the University of California, Berkeley, Haas School of Business. The call for progressive federalism is not a new one. Some issues are highly salient to everyday people, which is precisely why those in power dont want to go anywhere near them. The definition of dual federalism primarily concerns the balance of power between the two governing. When progressives talk about democracy, they celebrate the idiosyncratic dissenter, the nobility of resistance, the glory of getting things wrong, and the wild patchwork of views that make up the polity. and/or its third-party tools use cookies, which are necessary On other occasions, states have avoided a head-on confrontation with the feds and instead waged wars of attrition. The federal government relies heavily on city police departments to enforce federal law. Politicians must reach out across state or party lines to fix the problem. closure of approaches that dont work and scaling In that situation, the majority must do something to get the policy overturned. To be sure, uncooperative federalism will not always result in a progressive victory. The language of states rights has an ugly history, invoked to shield slavery and Jim Crow. But the major social and economic For example, consider the response to the No Child Left Behind Act, perhaps the centerpiece of George W. Bushs domestic policy. Even if Trump doesnt have to make nice with Democrats on the Hill, hell need the support of Americas progressive enclaves to actually get things done. The 10thAmendment answers that question, it says no, the list is exclusive. Promising areas to start include the environment and consumer protection. and Prof. CB Bhattacharya of @PittCSB on 2/15 to learn a three-step pathway to integrate sustainab, Philanthropy is at risk of perpetuating the bad acts that follow the common mental glitch of moral self-licensing., RT @LindiweMatlali: At the @schwabfound community meeting. But since the 1930s and the New Deal, many progressives looked to the federal government for safety net protections, and to the Supreme Court for liberties guaranteed by the First and 14thAmendments. This form of resistance involves more than mere obstruction. Just ask the Obama Administration, which had to grant red states waivers and other incentives to persuade them to expand health-care coverage. But these reforms would not be fully implemented until 2014-2019, and the law had to run perilous legal and partisan gauntlets first. laboratories of democracy, experimenting What made the story unusual was that the plans author was Ernie Chambers, the only African American in Nebraskas legislature and a long-time civil rights advocate. It is, in short, a form of federalism that progressive nationalists can celebrate. political disagreements on the responsibilities Progressive Federalism: A New Way Forward? Federalism that progressive nationalists can celebrate majority must do something to get the policy overturned are.!, the majority must do something to get the policy overturned that Racism, parochialism, and J.... 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